Healthy Lunch from Galley

Galley foods is a new company in the DC area that prepares healthy lunches and dinners and delivers them all over the city. My office just so happens to be on their delivery list so I've ordered a few times. Everything is under $20 and the lunches are $10-12 including tax, delivery, and gratuity!

The food comes packaged nicely with instructions for heating (if you need it.)

 I ordered the Galley Club and it was amazing! I had to take the bacon off because I don't eat pork but thats cool. I love that they list every single ingredient they use so you know exactly what you're eating. The food is all prepped fresh every single day! All of the meals are between 400-800 calories. I don't consider this a cheat because its all real food made fresh and delivered directly to my door.

Thanks Galley for another AMAZING MEAL!

P.S please let me buy a bottle of that vinaigrette, it's the best dressing I've ever had. 

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