My Wellness Journal

One of my goals in 2016 is to journal every day. This journal documents everything I eat, my workouts, my moods, and prayer. 

When I got the journal I also bought a 20 pack of pretty colored pens just to make writing even more fun. 

Every 15 days I review myself. I go back and look at my nutrition each day and give myself a check, check minus or a cheat. A check means I ate completely clean, a check minus a good day but not perfect, and a cheat is when I treat myself that day. I also count the number of days I wrote down my mood, worked out, and prayed. Lastly, I write down any noticeable changes. 

Happy journaling! 


  1. What a great goal for 2016! It is always good to spend some time each day writing about what has happened and other various details - and new pens help encourage that activity! Sounds like a great method of keeping your diet in check, too. Awesome that you reflect every 15 days, that really makes a huge difference.

    Laurence Chandler @ White Media Agency

  2. As of now, Islam is the main reality in Islamic theocracies, as Christianity is for most evangelicals, and as Christianity would be for us all subject to the authority of Christian patriots. (More on that without further ado.)


  3. The circumstances and concerns depicted by Ayaan about revolutionary Islam foreshadowed what we presently see about Christian Nationalism in America. Fortis Medical Billing

  4. Both mirror the way that a considerable lot of the fundamental freedoms we underestimate, including discourse and love (or not!),


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