1/2/16 Workout Journal

The current Mayor of Washington, DC decided that all fitness rooms in recreation centers should be free! In the past memberships were about $150 a year. This is a great option when I want a quick workout or just want to do some cardio. On Saturday I decided to take advantage of this and I went to the rec instead of my usual gym. This forced me to get creative and I actually ended up doing the hardest workout I've had in months.


10 pound kettle bell (2)
30 pound kettle bell
11 pound medicine ball
Cable weight set on 15 pounds (red resistance band would sub easily)

I started off by warming up for 10 minutes on the treadmill. The incline was set on 5 and the speed was 3.0.

Then I got bored and decided today would be a circuit training day, I looked around the room and gathered a few things to play around with. I performed sets of 10 for each exercise and repeated it 3 times with no rest. Each circuit lasted about 10 minutes.

Circuit #1
Squat with medicine ball press
Walking lunges holding the medicine ball
Dead lift with 30 pound kettle bell

Circuit #2
Squat with bicep curl and shoulder press
Sumo Squat with 30 pound kettle bell
Jump squats with 10 pound kettle bells

Circuit #3
Push ups
Single arm pull using cable
Lat pull down using cable

Hopefully as I get into the swing of things i'll be able to take photos of the exercises I do.
This workout is NOT intended for beginners. The exercises I performed can be hard on the knees and back if not done correctly. However, all things can be modified for any fitness level.

My undergrad professors would be so proud because I am such a form snob. I plan on blogging pretty often about proper form for various exercises.

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